Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Weekend

Friday night TH and I and our friends went to see Paranormal Activity 2. TH and I saw the first one and really liked it. I'd say see both. Probably better to see it in a theatre on the big spooky screen. On Saturday, TH went hunting for Bambi in the morning and that evening we headed over to his parents' place for a Halloween party. we found our last minute costume... can you guess?

The Beagle dressed as a mummy. He was very threatening and scary... as you can see:
My favorite part of the night was probably when TH's Cousin's son put on my wig and pranced around like a girl. It was adorable and I'm sure he'll regret that decision when it starts trying to impress the ladies.

Sunday was pretty uneventful. I slept most of the day because I wasn't feeling all that great. (No, not because of that!) I went on a short (2mi) run and almost died. I've really had low energy lately. We had a handful of trick-o-treaters. The first one came and the Beagle was in attack mode for some reason. TH was handing out candy and I heard screams and ran to the door. The Beagle was busy wagging his tail saying, "hello," but I guess the kid wasn't so excited. We ended up putting the baby gate up so Attack Beagle couldn't do any more damage.
Here are some pics from the Astoria Triathlon I said I would post.
The Beagle investigating the razor clam. TH and I after the race.

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